
help solve the orphan and foster care crisis in your community

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, May 1st
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, May 19th
West Palm Beach, Florida
Sunday, June 30th
Tallahassee, Florida
Bring the Experience to Your Church

What is your church known for in the community? What if you were the catalyst to solve the shortage of foster and adoptive families? It is estimated that there are 143 million orphans in the world today, close to 500,000 children in the US Foster Care System and that equates to thousands of children and families in communities all around us who are in need of support.  The Church, moved to action, fueled by the love of Jesus, is a powerful force and together we can solve this crisis. The NOMORE Orphans Experience is a 2 hour experience that can make a lifetime of impact. Whether it’s adopting, fostering, advocating, or supporting families caring for children, everyone in the audience will be given an opportunity to do something.  Let this event be the spark your church needs to change the trajectory of lives in your community. Although the statistics may be staggering, the reality is that every number has a face, every face has a name, and every name has a story. Help change someone’s story today.

The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
- Matthew 25:40

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, May 1st
Tampa, Florida
Sunday, May 19th
West Palm Beach, Florida
Sunday, June 30th
Tallahassee, Florida
of event attendees take some type of action to help
of event attendees sign up for a Foster Family Orientation Class
Some of the Organizations We Work With
"It was a blessing to hear my own kids’ responses. Saying, 'Dad, we want to step up and see how God wants to use our family.' A phenomenal experience! I highly recommend it!"
"The NOMORE Orphans Experience provides a powerful avenue to engage the local church in how to make a difference in the life of a child."
"We were just thrilled with the outcome of the event and the interest of the church members and staff in our cause. The event generated the most interest of potential CASA volunteers that we've seen in a while, so we feel very fortunate."
"NOMORE partnered with us on the mission that God has called us to do as the local church which is to make disciples, to serve families, and advocate for children from hard places in our local community."
"The NOMORE Orphans Experience was full of energy and excitement. Such great testimonials and a Call to Action that can't be ignored. This event is not to be missed. Thanks to a professional team for making a great night truly special for our community!"
"The NOMORE Orphans Experience was a beautifully convicting evening that showed just how important it is to be involved in helping the vulnerable. Everyone deserves to know they are loved by a Savior and this event pointed everyone back to the Lord."
"I was so blessed to attend The NOMORE Orphans Experience!  An event where local people and organizations were all able to come together to press forward was unique and inspiring. I was moved by the compelling, raw, and honest stories that were shared."

    What is the NoMore Orphans Experience?

    This event is unique- with local bands, personal stories, experts in the field, an artist, and a spoken word poet, NOMORE looks to give people a window from which they can see, hear, experience and understand both the heart of God and the heart of the orphan. “Our goal is to put as many faces to the need as possible, and to provide as many opportunities as possible for people to connect to what is needed and respond to that need with action. We want every person who comes to the event, whether they are in college, retired, or any stage of life in between, to see how they can personally make a difference in the life of a child,” says Tami Kent, Co-Founder of NOMORE. For that reason, The NOMORE Foundation has partnered with local and international organizations, so that people can make a personal connection and get signed up to serve where their heart compels them. Over the past 10 years, The NOMORE Foundation has worked with churches and organizations all over the country to bring this event to communities just like yours, and they are excited to see people engage in this important cause.

    Ready to talk about bringing the event to your church?
    Have a question?
    Email us.
    Step 1
    Initial call, site visit, event checklist review and date selection
    Step 1
    Promote event, collaborate with agencies, host the life changing experience
    Step 1
    Recap event, share impact with your congregation, and give glory to God

    Want to help foster families in your community year round? Sign up to be notified of needs that you can meet via CarePortal.
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